UE Projects


Implements a project co-financed by European Funds “Industrial research and development work aimed at developing an innovative tool management system at ZAP-KOOPERACJA” (polish project title: „Badania przemysłowe i prace rozwojowe mające na celu opracowanie innowacyjnego systemu zarządzania gospodarką narzędziową w firmie ZAP-KOOPERACJA”).


Project no. RPWP.01.02.00-30-0076/17-00 under Priority Axis 1 “Innovative and competitive economy” (polish project title: „Innowacyjna i konkurencyjna gospodarka”)
Actions 1.2 “Strengthening the innovative potential of enterprises in Wielkopolska” (polish project title: „Wzmocnienie potencjału innowacyjnego przedsiębiorstw Wielkopolski”)
of the Wielkopolska Poland Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020.


The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovation of the Applicant’s company by increasing research and development activity resulting from activities aimed at developing an innovative tool management system consisting of peripheral warehouses, preferential warehouses and a master program controlling the tool management in the company.


The total value of the project is: PLN 4,546,740.03
Amount of EU funding: PLN 2,756,666.65



Implements a project co-financed by European Funds “Development of an intelligent oil mist filter in the course of R&D works” (polish project title: „Opracowanie inteligentnego filtru mgły olejowej w toku prac B+R”).

Project no. RPWP.01.02.00-30-0080/19-00 under
Priority Axis 1 “Innovative and competitive economy”Measure 1.2 “Strengthening the innovative potential of enterprises in Wielkopolska” of the Wielkopolska Regional Operational Program for 2014-2020 (polish project title: „Wzmocnienie potencjału innowacyjnego przedsiębiorstw Wielkopolski”).


The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness and innovation of the Applicant’s company by increasing research and development activity resulting from activities aimed at developing an intelligent oil mist filter (IOMF) used to purify the air discharged from CNC machines, removing sticky substances floating in the air generated during machining, as well as the development of the R&D Department through the purchase and implementation of specialized R&D equipment.


The total value of the project is: PLN 1,420,953.07
Amount of EU funding: PLN 719,735.46